Carry-Over Prevention and Abatement

Carry-Over Prevention and Abatement

Zero carry-over would require disposables of everything that touches the sample to be analyzed. Since this is not practical all autosampler and autoinjector manufacturers have to provide their best design and know-how to get carry-over to an insignificant level or even a non-detectable level. Since compounds and solvents they are dissolved in vary greatly there is no so called “silver bullet” solution to carry-over. LEAP has a three-pronged approach to preventing carry-over:

1. Use the most compatible and in-tact materials
It is important to use the best choice of syringes, valves, valve inlets and valve rotors, as well as perform regular maintenance/exchange of wear and tear parts.

2. Avoid contamination
Use injection cycles that avoid contamination, like the CleanLC cycles (free).

3. Effectively wash what’s left
Use the right combination and the right sequence of syringe and valve wash hardware and wash solvents.

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