LEAP Supports the Public Library of Science

Corporate News

LEAP Technologies’ customers are deeply involved in pharmaceutical, environmental, petrochemical, food, beverages and many other analytical challenges. They are hunting those large and small molecules which have the power to greatly affect all living things. These scientists’ ability to pinpoint and understand the key molecules depends on imaginative thinking, better tools, and open communication with colleagues across the world.

The revolutionary advancements of science, especially life science depend on open information exchange. LEAP experiences this pressing need firsthand, when new products and automation inspirations are brought to us by large companies and individual users. The challenges of place, time, and institutional barriers can be overcome together and companies need to do their part to foster the coming evolution. We believe that the open access movement will form strong and needed bonds in the global scientific community and will ultimately make science more effective. We proudly support The Public Library of Science in their mission to make worldwide scientific and medical knowledge a true public resource.